Monday 19 September 2011

Dark Heresy

So after lurking the internets for a little, I stumbled across Dark Heresy. Its a Warhammer 40k roleplay, set on a random world, you and your compainions are part of an Inquisitors warband and are investigating random crap.

I thought it was a pretty interesting concept, and after playing DnD a few times I thought I'd grab the rulebook. Turns out there is a lot more to this then I expected! Only a few classes but a better and longer upgrade pathway, better and more sophisticated item shop and an RP from the inquisitions point of view is awesome.

So me and my friends are going to give it a try and see how it goes over this uni break, wish us luck!

Sunday 18 September 2011

Another day of bordem.

Another day, another 50 movies watched with nothing to do.
Painting would have been nice, if I didn't wake up at 2:30 in the afternoon...

I really should get off my ass and finish painting my new Tau. So far I have half a stealth suit and 3 firewarriors done. Red and white colour scheme, with no solid list yet, Just buying whatever I feel like it.

I might upload some pictures of my Grey Knights and friends when I get the chance, probably this afternoon. Wow, I have so much to paint and not enough drive to do it..

Well, thats it for now, pictures of my knights coming later!


Hey guys, welcome to my blog. I've been wanting to start one of these for awhile but havn't had the time and what not due to uni!

Since I'm on break at the moment I now have time for this! Yay!

I might start by introducing myself! My name is phillip, I'm 20 and currently attend university in Brisbane, Australia. I play Warhammer and TF2 in my spare time and am studying maths and Physics.

Thats all for the moment, I hope you guys subscribe to my blog, leave comments and like it!
